Home » Biblical Cosmology Series

Biblical Cosmology Series

Pastor’s 8-part series on Biblical Cosmology has now been viewed nearly 500,000 times online.  The entire series is absolutely free to watch online.  The link to the series is at the bottom of this page.

We have had many requests from visitors for a way to purchase pastor’s 8-part series on Biblical Cosmology.  The link below will allow you to purchase the entire series of more than 10 hours of video as mp4 files on a USB thumb drive for $27.95.  This includes shipping via USPS within the continental united States. (NOTE:  We are ONLY able to ship to the lower 48 states at this time due to difficulties with the USPS.  Please do not order from any other location without first contacting us for other options.)   Please note that we do not currently offer refunds for any reason on the USB drives.

You are welcome and encouraged to make as many copies of the series as you like for free to distribute to others, but you must receive written permission from the church if you wish to resell it.

Click here to watch the entire 8-part video series for FREE on Youtube

Click HERE to purchase the 8-part video series on Biblical Cosmology


To purchase Pastor’s companion Study Guide curriculum/workbook, click HERE.


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We encourage all of our online viewers/listeners to sign up for the email update as it is becoming increasingly likely that at some point our content will be removed from YouTube, Facebook, and other social media.  Signing up will allow you to continue to receive links to our sermons and Bible studies and for us to communicate with you when that happens.


Pastor’s entire 8-part series is absolutely free to watch online (at least until it gets removed by YouTube like some of his other sermons).  You can watch the entire series HERE.