This study of Mystery Babylon begins in the Book of Genesis and concludes with the worldwide religion of the antichrist in the Book of Revelation. Understanding the elements of the religion at the Tower of Babel and the symbols involved are key to understanding why there are so many similarities between the various manmade religions in the world today and why even major corporate logos include so many of the same symbols.
PBC Revelation 17a Mystery Babylon Pt 1
PBC Book of Revelation Chapter 17b Mystery Babylon: Symbols and Logos Today
PBC Book of Revelation Chapter 17c Mystery Babylon and Israel
PBC Book of Revelation Chapter 17d Mystery Babylon and Roman Catholicism
Mystery Babylon Freemasonry
PBC The Pagan Attack on Jesus
PBC Earth Day: It Isn't as much About the Earth as it is About the Heavens
PBC Provoked to Jealousy: The Religion of Modern Jews
PBC The Nature of the Bodily Resurrection
PBC Will the Real Virgin Mary Please Stand Up?
PBC The Most Important Verse in the Bible
PBC Hidden in Plain Sight: The Powerful Message of Symbols