This is a series of messages preached at Pinnacle Baptist Church over time which include a number of major topics that we as a church believe. In a day when so many churches are abandoning the old ways for contemporary worship and theology, we still believe that the “old paths are the good way” as recorded in the Scriptures. This series of messages will shed a great deal of light on the differences between a traditional, fundamental church such as Pinnacle Baptist and contemporary-style churches of today.
PBC Staying with the Stuff: Fundamentalism & Why Every Christian Should Be a Fundamentalist
PBC Why the Name Baptist
PBC The Baptist Remnant: Why Pinnacle is a Baptist Church
PBC Why Pinnacle is Premillenial
PBC If Two Things Are Different Then They Cannot Be the Same OR Why We Only Use the KJV
PBC Subtle Differences OR Why We Only Use the KJV Part 2
PBC Why Not Southern Baptist
PBC The Biblical Plan of Missions and Why the Cooperative Program is Not Biblical
Why I Preach the Way I Do
PBC 10 UnBiblical Views of the Local Church