Our pastor graduated salutatorian of his high school class at Mt. Vernon Christian School in 1986. He then completed his A.A. in Education from Clayton State University, his B.S. from Georgia State University, and his Th.M. from Trinity Baptist Seminary.
Upon graduation with his undergraduate degree, he taught for ten years in both Christian and government schools and served as the administrator and Vice-President of Academic Affairs at Atlanta Baptist College, overseeing the school’s growth by more than 600 percent in just 4 short years and developing degree programs in multiple disciplines of Christian service. Sadly, the Atlanta Baptist College where he served and helped to build before resigning and accepting another position no longer exists; the entity using the name today has no relationship to the former Atlanta Baptist College.
Our pastor is no stranger to fighting battles with the enemy, both in the pulpit and in the public arena!

He has been a radio and television show host in the Atlanta area for more than 20 years and is currently the owner and general manager of one of the local tv stations in the Atlanta market.
Additionally, he has been considered the foremost leader across the country in the State Sovereignty movement for more than twenty years and is a nationally-known speaker on the subjects of the Constitution, history, the Tenth Amendment, and States’ Rights. He has appeared as a guest on FOX News, CNN, HLN, MSNBC, and hundreds of other smaller tv and radio stations across the country.
In 2006 and 2010, he appeared on the Republican ballot for governor of Georgia after being recruited to run as a Christian businessman by prolife and Southern heritage organisations and received approximately 50,000 votes in the primary as a conservative, Christian candidate. Following the election in 2010, he became the first “public figure” to win a libel suit in Georgia in more than a hundred years when he successfully sued individuals who had fabricated lies about his character during the race in order to protect establishment candidates from his growing support among conservatives. In the court order of the libel suit won by Pastor, the defendants were ordered to pay monies, turn over control of the website on which they had originally published the libel, and sign a confession and apology acknowledging they had lied.
Despite having preached often in many capacities as a layman since high school, he surrendered to the call to pastor in 2010 and served as an associate pastor for 4 years until accepting the invitation to serve as the pastor of a brand new church plant here at Pinnacle Baptist Church in September of 2014.
He is the author of A Clash of Swords: The Baptist Origins of our English Bible, Your Greatest Investment: A Christian Guide to Raising Children, Biblical Grounds: A Christian Guide to Divorce, and Biblical Cosmology: A Study Guide and has spoken and written extensively on the subjects of Baptist history and the King James Bible.
Our pastor’s greatest gifts, in the opinion of our church family, are his sincere love for every individual member of our congregation and his expository preaching and teaching of the Word of God. In a time where few pastors are skilled any longer in expository preaching, our pastor’s extensive knowledge of the Scriptures and history, as well as his God-given gift for making the Bible understandable to all, place him in a category with few other pastors of our generation. We hope that you will come and hear our pastor share the Word of God with us at Pinnacle Baptist Church.