Nate & Cori Mortenson, Honduras | Baptist International Missions, Inc.
Nate is a second generation missionary, and his wife Cori surrendered to full-time missionary service at the age of 12. They also joined West Florida Baptist Church and got involved in serving as laymen in the church. Over the 10 years that they have been at West Florida Baptist they have been serving as leaders of the Wednesday night kids program, have been substitute Sunday School teachers, sang in the choir, have been leaders in the church’s annual kid’s crusade and have served anywhere they could be used. Also during that time God has blessed them with 4 children: Mykenzie, Grant, Blake and Savanna. During their church’s missions conference in 2015, God used specific messages to speak to their hearts about going to the foreign field, specifically Honduras. They are excited to be joining the church planting team in Honduras as quickly as they can get their support raised.